A Time for Reflection and Anticipation
Lamentations 3:21-23
As one year comes to a close and another one approaches, it is normal for us to reflect on the past year, and to look forward to the New Year with a renewed sense of anticipation. One of the most difficult things about changing seasons is leaving the past behind, and moving forward to what lies ahead (Phil 3:13). This can be challenging, especially if we have had a difficult year, and we are struggling to feel good about what lies ahead. As we enter this New Year, let us be reminded that our God is the giver of Wonderful New Things. He gives us New Birth (Jn 3:3); He gives us New Life (2 Cor 5:17); He gives us New Hope (Rom. 5:2), and He gives us a New Mission (Matt 28:19-20). He will also give us a new body in a new home and will “Make all things New” (Rev 21:5), and now He gives us a New Year. There are two main things I would like for us to do as we approach this New Year: Reflection and Anticipation. In Lamentations 3:21-23 it tells us something about reflecting on the past, and anticipating, looking forward to the future:
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I hope; The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end; They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
In this passage Jeremiah is reflecting on the past, and what he remembers gives him hope for the future. As you look at the passage, it tells us what gives Jeremiah hope for the future, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Jeremiah had seen the destruction of Israel, he had seen families killed, people suffering from starvation, he had seen their weeping and affliction, but in light of all of that, Jeremiah still had hope for the future.
In reflecting on the past, he remembers how God gave them hope for the future. In the midst of their weeping and affliction, God was a Faithful, Loving, Merciful God. Jeremiah tells us that regardless of the challenges of the past year of 2024 and the challenges of the coming year 2025:
1. God’s Love Never Ceases: God’s love never gives up, that’s one thing that gave Jeremiah hope for the coming days and years.
2. God’s Mercies never comes to an End: God’s compassion and forgiveness never runs out. You can measure lifespan, temperature, distances, time, everything else can be measured but God’s love has no beginning or end.
3. God’s Mercies Are New Every Morning: Just as each day presents new opportunities to experience the grace of God, so God’s grace will always be there, and you can trust it just as you trust the sun to rise. The very fact that the Sun still comes up, and the Moon and Stars are still in place, and we have the fixed order of sunrises every morning, that is a reminder of God’s faithfulness, and there is a reminder every morning.
4. God’s Faithfulness is Great: God’s faithfulness and promises remain constant no matter what happens. God’s faithfulness never diminishes.
The Lord’s compassion never fails. Even when we fail, His faithfulness is steadfast, His mercies and His compassion never fail. They are new every morning. Amidst all the challenges of the past year, God has kept every promise that He made to us, He has sustained us, and brought us through all of the failures, difficulties, and trials we endured this past year. As we reflect on how God kept us, our hearts should be filled with Praise for God’s Faithfulness in the past. Not only should we be reflecting on the past year, but anticipating the New Year. As we anticipate new goals, new opportunities, new relationships, new ministry opportunities, and many other things, like Jeremiah, we need to anticipate God’s Faithfulness in the future. He knows the future, and He calls us to trust Him as our loving Father with all that the future will bring.
With this New Year comes new problems, new difficulties, new troubles. But we need to trust Him now, daily, and throughout the year, the One who knows our lives, including our future. When problems comes, say like Jeremiah, “This I call to mind, therefore I have Hope.” As we celebrate a New Year, let us reflect on God’s faithfulness in the past, and anticipate God’s faithfulness for the upcoming year of 2025 as we trust Him for whatever we may encounter.
As we enter the New Year of 2025, I would like to invite you to join the Global Prayer Initiative of the Church of God of Prophecy 21 Days of Prayer January 6-26, 2025. This will be a powerful journey of prayer uniting our global family from over 130 nations and beyond.
Please be reminded that resources are available at: In the Mid Atlantic Region, we join bring our time of Prayer to a close on Saturday evening January 25, 2025, at 7pm. On Sunday January 26, 2025, at 6pm there will be a Global simulcast for the Global church. Let us join together for this glorious time of prayer.
Upcoming Events
• January 6-26, 2025: 21 Days of Prayer
• January 25, 2025: Mid-Atlantic Region Time of Prayer 7 p.m. (VIA ZOOM)
• January 26, 2025: Global Prayer Simulcast 6 p.m.
• January 18, 2025: Pastoral Symposium (VIA Zoom at 10 a.m.)
• January 28-30, 2025: Multiply 2030 DCPI Training Vista California
• February 15, 2025: Regional Children’s Ministry ‘Built to last a lifetime”
• February 20-22, 2025: DCPI Training “Healthy Church Dynamics”
(Mid-Atlantic Region, space limited for 30 individuals more information to follow). On behalf of my wife and I, we wish you a Blessed and Wonderful New Year
P.S. Please note, I now have a new cell number: 302 722-1151)
Yours In His Service,
Woodroe Thompson, (M.Div)
Regional Bishop,
Church of God of Prophecy
Mid-Atlantic Region USA